Apr 5, 2020

[Myduino] Customized Arduino UNO (자작으로 만든 아두이노)

How to make your own Arduino?!

 1. ATmega328P-PU (1)
 2. 16 Mhz crystal (1)
 3. 10 kΩ resistor
 4. 22pF capacitor (2)
 5. 100nF capacitor (1)
 6. LED (1)
 7. Breadboard (1)
 8. Jumper wire (many)
 9. FTDI USB port (1)

       <ATmega328P and Arduino Uno Pin Mapping>

                                <Wire connection>


Apr 3, 2020

PCB board (Arduino Pro Mini + HC-06 + PWM pin + Push switch)

- Design tool: Eagle Cad
- Layer: 2 layer PCB
- PCB Production company: HANSAEM DIGITEC (https://www.hsdgt.com/)

(Left) Schematic, (Right) Board
Components soldered to PCB