- Supplies: Arduino board, ... sensor, ... actuator
- Comment: I use 'AutoPID' library and this code is based on the bottom *site.
- How to install a PID library?
Sketch-> Include Library -> Manage Libraries... -> Write 'pid'
- Example code:
#include <AutoPID.h> #define p_gain 1 #define i_gain 1 #define d_gain 1 //Min and Max values depend on your actuator function code. #define control_input_min -255 #define control_input_max 255 // unit: milliseconds // ex) 20 ms => 50 Hz #define control_interval 20 double measured_value, desired_value, control_input, value_from_sensor; AutoPID PID_control(&measured_value, &desired_value, &control_input, control_input_min, ...,
control_input_max, p_gain, i_gain, d_gain);
void setup() { // put your setup code here, to run once: PID_control.setTimeStep(control_interval); } void loop() { // put your main code here, to run repeatedly: desired_value = 0; //It depends on your tasks. measured_value = value_from_sensor; //It is measured by sensor, so its type depends on your sensor. PID_control.run(); //Then, 'control_input' is calculated and its value drives your actuators. //So, you need to insert your actuator function code to the bottom side. //ex) move(1, 1, control_input); }