■ When you arrange electronic component, (부품을 배치할 때)
- Display: on
- Size: 1, unit: mm
- Size: 1, unit: mm
■ When you draw route airwires, (배선을 연결할 때)
- Display: on
- Size: 50, unit: mil
- Size: 50, unit: mil
■ When you arrange electronic component, (부품을 배치할 때)
■ How to add a schematic frame?! (회로도 틀을 넣는 방법은?!)
- Supplies: limit switch, Arduino board
- How to connect and the result of serial monitor.
#define limit_switch_pin 2 void setup() { // put your setup code here, to run once: // switch pin setting Serial.begin(9600); pinMode(limit_switch_pin, INPUT); } void loop() { // put your main code here, to run repeatedly: if(digitalRead(limit_switch_pin) == LOW){ Serial.println("Switch close"); }else{ Serial.println("Switch open"); } }