### initialize and start a git
# git init
### Setting account information
# git config -global user. "abcd "
# git config -global user.email "abcd@abcd.com"
### confirm a config list
# git config --list
### current state
# git status
### adding files to the staging area
# git add . # whole files
### commit
# git commit -m "abcd"
# git commit -m "abcd" --amend # revise the commit
### confirm the commit logs
# git log
### connect between local and remote
# git remote add origin [git hub adress]
### confirm the current configured remote repository
# git remote -v
### push the local soruce to the remote repository
# git push origin master
# git push origin [new_branch] # create a new_branch in remote repository and push
### create a branch
# git branch [name]
### move to the branch
# git checkout [name]
# git checkout -b [name] # create a branch and move to the branch simultaneously
### delete the branch
# git branch -d [name]
### pull the code of the master of the remote
# git pull origin master