Nov 29, 2019

HEXA gait robot + FPV camera

- Straight path autonomous driving of HEXA gait robot with FPV camera
- Component:

- Video clip:

- Robot URL:

Nov 1, 2019

[Arduino code] LED turn on/off using a switch (스위치를 이용해 LED 켜고/끄기 아두이노 예제)

- Supplies: Arduino, LED, switch, jumper wire, breadboard
- 준비물: 아두이노, LED, 스위치, 전선

Connected configuration (연결 상태)

           Turn off (LED 끄기)
Turn on (LED 켜기)

// LED pin #
int LED_pin = 3;

// Switch pin#
int switch_pin = 5;

void setup() {
  // put your setup code here, to run once:
  pinMode(LED_pin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(switch_pin, INPUT_PULLUP);
