Oct 16, 2020

Toothpaste dispenser output (치약 디스펜서 출력물)

- Source: Please, make a request in the comment area.

- 3D printer: Creality Ender 5

- Software: Ultimaker Cura 4.4

- Time: 15 min

- Size: 81.0 x 30.0 x 3.0 mm^3

Oct 13, 2020

Dorimcheon running (도림천 달리기)


Battery dispenser output: AA and AAA using 'Ender 5' 3D printer (3D 프린터 'Ender 5'을 이용한 배터리 분배기 출력물)

- Source: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3358129

- 3D printer: Creality Ender 5

- Software: Ultimaker Cura 4.4

- Time: 10h 10min

- Size: 104.5 x 80.0 x 100.0 mm^3

- Comment: The design is good, but the battery hangs well in the exit parts. 

(Refer to the comments on the web site.)

Oct 9, 2020

Phone holder output using 3D printer 'Ender 5' (3D 프린터 'Ender 5'을 이용한 휴대폰 받침대 출력물)

- Source: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:525066

- 3D printer: Creality Ender 5

- Software: Ultimaker Cura 4.4

- Time: 3h 6min

- Size: 76.7 x 90.5 x 25.0 mm^3

Oct 8, 2020

[Arduino project] robot arm control using servo motors and potentionmeters (서보모터와 가변저항을 이용해 만든 로봇팔 제어)

- Supplies: Servo motor (SG90), wood stick, potentiometer, Arduino board 

- 준비물: 서보모터, 나무 막대기, 가변저항, 아두이노 보드

The operation principle is that the signal generated by each potentiometer is directly sent to each servo motor, So the servo type robot arm moves based on the control signals from the potentiometer type robot arm.

가변저항기에서 생성된 제어신호가 서보모터에 전달되어 서보모터로 만든 로봇팔이 가변저항기로 만든 로봇팔의 동작을 따라한다. 

Oct 7, 2020

Snoopy output using 3D printer 'Ender 5' (3D 프린터 'Ender 5'을 이용한 스누피 출력물)

- Source: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1261540

- 3D printer: Creality Ender 5

- Software: Ultimaker Cura 4.4.1

- Time: 4h 25min

- Size: 44.5 x 87.8 x 60.1 mm^3

Oct 5, 2020

Testbed output to check the performance of 'Ender 5' 3D printer (3D 프린터 'Ender 5'의 성능을 확인하기 위한 테스트베드 출력물)

- Source: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:533472

- 3D printer: Creality Ender 5

- Software: Ultimaker Cura 4.4.1

- Time: 1h 28min

- Size: 75.3 x 72.9 x 40.9 mm^3