Nov 2, 2020

[Arduino project] Infrared (IR) control module kit using Arduino Uno

- Goal: Check the button address of IR remote controller. (IR 조종기의 버튼 주소 확인)

- Supplies: Arduino Uno, IR kit (ELB030102 (YwRobot), ...)

- 준비물: 아두이노 우노, 적외선 실험 키트

1. You need to install Arduino IR library. (아두이노 IR 라이브러리 설치 필요.) 

2. Arduino code: File => Example => IRremote => IRrecvDumpV2

3. Connect three output pins of the IR receiver to Arduino Uno.

4. Push the two buttons (ex. CH, 100+) of the IR transmitter.

* Address decoding result of the IR transmitter

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