Nov 26, 2020

How to build Arduino IDE for Visual Studio 2019 (Visual Micro) (Visual Studio 2019에서 Arduino IDE 사용하기, 개발환경 구축)

Installation methods can be dependent on your program version.

0. First, install Visual Studio 2019.

1. In Menu bar, Click [Extensions]->[Manage Extensions].

2. Write 'arduino' -> Clink Download.

3. In the Pop-up window, Clink the ok button.

4. Restart the VS program and Clink the 'Create a new project'.

5.  Write 'arduino' and Clink the 'Arduino Empty Project'.

6. Write the Project name (ex) VS_Arduino_example).

7. Write some code in the blank sheet and check the version, board, and port. After then, click the upload button.

* You can find some example codes in the red marked button. 

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